Friday, March 30, 2012

As the Day Ends, I Reflect

Some days no matter what method you use to market your skills, the opportunities are not there to capitalize on. Today was one of those days, where I bid only on quality contracts and limiting the ones that would diminish my quota. Some clients did contact me to clarify some of my skills as they indeed take interest in my vast talents, however they were not ready to commit an agreement on the project. This I know for sure does not makes me expendable in the Virtual Community, since I possess skills that have been acquire both on and offline. My personality still shines through.

As I have learnt quantity does not define quality and vice versa, though you should never give up in the search for a project you want. Just as in life, you strive, you fight until there is nothing left to strive for. All in all, I applied for over 20 projects between Odesk and Elance. Out of those I have gotten selected to interview for 5 and with no updates as to the final candidate as yet. Oh how I miss the days where a Client would interview and want to hire me on the spot. This shows me that Clients have become more and more educated with the process of virtual hiring. I have 2 open interviews that have promised to get back to me by Monday morning, therefore I am keeping these fingers crossed as both will open up some new learning for me.

The Contracts I bid on have to contain some learning potential for me, though I am in this business for making money, I also believe the a new skill is an invaluable commodity. Therefore I wait, for that one project that I can commit to fully and will transgress out of bounds of the application process. I am READY to start WORK!

Thanks for Reading. Feel free to comment.
"Keep Moving Forward"

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